5 Days in the French Countryside {Vlog}

Next on my journey to France with Yves Rocher, was a 3-day eco-trip to a quaint village of La Gacilly, the birthplace of Yves Rocher, an easy 3-hour train journey outside of Paris. La Gacilly is the site of the company’s impressive botanical garden and harvesting facilities, and the location of their four-star hotel: La Grée de Landes Eco-Hotel and Spa — a breathtaking eco spa hotel quite literally embedded into the countryside of Brittany. Here I learned about Yves Rocher’s impressive commitment to nature and the environment, highlighted in the vlog below.

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La Grée de Landes Eco-Hotel and Spa had two pools — and for some unknown reason I never made it to the second one. Perhaps its because this view was just too perfect?

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The breathtaking view and glorious sunset from the second floor pool deck.

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The town of La Gacilly is exceptionally pretty with many little lane ways to wander through and explore.

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My last night in La Gacilly. I was blessed with the most specular sunset over the countryside in the garden of La Grée de Landes Eco-Hotel and Spa. The food at the restaurant is grown in their own garden adjacent to the hotel. Between each course, I wandered through the garden and enjoy the sights and sounds of nature and watched that glorious sunset.


Yellow Dress | Very Similar Red dress | White Denim Shorts (similar, similar) | Similar Sandals

Thank you again to my Yves Rocher family. This was truly an incredible journey.

Photos and video footage (my wonderful sister-in-law): Ingrid Johansson / Miz Monday


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