My New Look: A Major Hair Cut {vlog}

Welcome to a new chapter! After months of deliberation I finally took the plunge and cut my hair. Not just a little, but A LOT. I entrusted stylist Olivia Colucci from Twenty Seven with the dramatic chop. It was LONG overdue — my ends looks like a rats nest, my roots were overgrown and well, I needed a refresher from Olivia as to what to do (and NOT do) if I want to keep my platinum locks looking healthy. Hope you learn a thing or two from my mistakes/laziness or simply enjoy a chuckle as I sweat buckets in Olivia’s chair awaiting my first major hair transformation since I was 4 years old.

Music: Distant Light, Conditional feat. Van Psyke.


PS. This is the first video in my month-long November vlog series on Youtube… I’ll be back tomorrow with Part 2 — the products and tips Olivia recommends and I bought to keep my platinum locks looking healthy and breakage-free.

Have you ever made a big hair change?


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