How to Maintain HEALTHY Blonde Hair {vlog}

Yesterday, I showed off my freshly chopped do and a colour refresh (thank you to my stylist Olivia Colacci from Twenty Seven). Now it’s time to share how to keep my platinum locks healthy, happy and breakage-free. Keep watching to see what Olivia recommends–she has worked backstage at runways like Chanel, Gucci and Hermès (not too shabby, really). In addition to Olivia’s recommendations, I added a personal favourite, a purple shampoo. A tip for application: A stylist once told me to apply purple shampoo to the back of my head first, and then spread/lather it into the rest of my head. It prevents any dreaded purple hot spots, which Olivia was referring too. I turned platinum over a year and half ago and it has been excellent — it cuts the brassy colour and dulls the yellow. I’ve learned the hard way what works and what doesn’t, and this little tip is brilliant. For the Dry Texture Spray, Olivia suggests Davines This is a Dry Texture Spray — or, I often tap in a soft volume powder. My current go-to is from Playa, it acts as an excellent dry shampoo (it lasts forever and smells ah-mazing too!).

Music: Distant Light, Conditional feat. Van Psyke.


PS. This is day two of my month November vlog series on YouTube, click here to subscribe and follow along. Missed yesterday’s video? Click here.

Have you/do you use any of these products? What do you use to keep your hair healthy?


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