How To Remove Shellac / Gel At Home

Raise your hand if you are missing any regular beauty services from your pre-self isolation days. {*Insert: my arm shoved high into the air*}

If you had very regular shellac mani-pedis, like me, you probably now have nails that are starting to resemble gnarly hawk claws (or maybe that’s just me looking at my own nails). But before you start peeling it off (please don’t — it’s horrible for your nail beds!!), there is an easy way to remove it at home, safely.

I have filmed a quick step-by-step YouTube video here. To be warned, this was the very first YT I ever filmed so it’s cringe worthy. It was not edited by me and I look like crap. It was filmed approx. 6 months after I had my second daughter so I’m a lot heavier and I just look plain exhausted.

Either way, you get the idea of how to remove your polish properly.

There are two ways to remove shellac at home, soaking and wrapping method. As I show you in the video, this is what you need.

To soak your nails, you need these six items:

The single most important item from the above list is pure acetone. You can either use 100% pure nail polish remover or acetone from a hardware store (it’s harsh but it works). If you have ever worked with oil paints and cleaned your brushes with a solvent, you may even have a large tin of it in your basement. It’s also available here and here. The rest of the items, you most likely have floating about your house.

If you want to wrap your nails, you’ll need these items in addition to the six listed above:

Note, you don’t “need” the pink nail clips, you can make your own DIY nail wraps out of tin foil.

All products also listed here.

Straightforward, right? Okay, so fess up, who had started to peel off their shellac before reading this post?? You are not alone. 😉




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